
Customer Spotlight: Hi 5 Orthodontics

We love all of our customers and we want everyone to know just how much! We wanted to give a shout out to one of our local customers that we have been working with for years: Hi 5 Orthodontics!

About Hi 5 Orthodontics:

Hi 5 Orthodontics is in the happiness business. We love beautiful teeth, but our real goal is to see them through a smile. Our offices are fun and friendly, and our staff genuinely cares about each patient. We make it a point to listen to our patients, identify their concerns, and customize treatment to meet their specific needs. Above all, we maintain the absolute highest standards in care. Using state-of-the-art equipment and staying up-to-date on all best practices in the orthodontic industry.

Hi 5 and Pacific Company:

We met Pacific Company at a business to business networking group about eight years ago. Since then, we have been working together on many projects! We have done everything from custom embroidered uniforms and hats to water bottles, t-shirts, jackets and more!

Diann Johnson says they continue to work with us because of our honesty, responsiveness and competitive pricing. Over the years she has referred many other customers to us.

Thank you Hi 5 Orthodontics!

If you want to work with us send us a message! CONTACT US

Know Your File Types

Confused | File TypesHave you ever had that moment when your printer asks you for a vector file of your logo and you give them the deer in the head lights look? We know you have probably been there. We want to help you understand what we are asking for in terms of file types. So the next time you are asked for a specific file type you will feel confident when you say “Sure, no problem!”

File Types: Raster vs. Vector

Before we get into the specifics of file types you need to know the difference between a Raster Image and a Vector Images.

Raster Images – These are a combination of colored pixels that create a complete image. The most common file types for raster images include JPEGs, GIFs and PNGs.

Have you ever pulled an image of the internet and tried to enlarge it? The picture became very pixelated, didn’t it? Most of the images that you come across online are raster images. They are created with a specific number of pixels they cannot be drastically re-sized without losing their resolution. Because of this it is extremely important to save your raster images at the exact size you need.

Vector Images – These on the other hand allow for more flexibility because they are composed of paths or lines. Vector images are not created with pixels so the image has no limit to how much it can be scaled. Vector images include AI, EPS, PDF and SVG file types.

Your logo and branding should be created as a vector image so that you can use it on things as small as a business card or as large as a billboard. You can always create a JPG or PNG for your website from the vector file.

File Extensions:  Best Uses

EPS – Standing for Encapsulated PostScript, EPS files are vector based images. These can be easily re-sized for whatever your needs are. EPS files are best for your master logo files.

AI – These are created specifically in Adobe Illustrator. Therefore they can only be opened by Adobe Illustrator. AI files are vector type files and are best used for creating logos, illustrations and print layouts.

JPG (JPEG) – This is the most common file type that you will see for images online. With JPGs you can customize it and find the perfect balance of high quality and small file size so that they load quickly on your site.

PNG – The main difference between JPGs and PNGs is that a PNG can have a transparent background. These file types are perfect for logos because they can be put on any background. PNGs are typically larger in file size and high quality.

GIF – These files are ideal for images that have just a couple colors such as buttons and icons. It is best not to use a full color image as a GIF. The more colors you have in a GIF the larger the file size will be.

TIF (TIFF) – Generally used for high quality print projects because they have no loss in quality. They are not used on the web because of their size. They can dramatically affect the load time of websites.

Working with images can be frustrating! Especially if you have no idea what your printer is talking about, so hopefully some of this will help you out for the future! If you do need help converting a raster images to a vector image let us know! We would be more than happy to help you with your artwork! CONTACT US

Top 3 Spokane Fun Runs: 2017

Fun Runs: Color RunFun Runs: running through colored powder and muddy obstacle courses. This has become extremely popular over the last few years and it continues to grow!

Most people know Spokane for Bloomsday when it comes to racing but in the last few years there have been so many other runs that have popped up. These fun runs can make anyone one that hates running love it and have a blast while doing it!

Some of Spokane’s top fun runs include:

  • Glow for Hunger Kids Run – May 12, 2017
  • Color Me Rad – May 20, 217
  • The Dirty Dash – July 8, 2017

Need team shirts? Let us help you get your team ready with custom gear! We can work with you in creating the perfect team shirt for your race! CONTACT US

5 Tips for Designing Your Class T-Shirts

Class T-Shirts

We can bring your designs to life!

With graduation right around the corner for the class of 2017 it has us thinking about class t-shirts. We have been screen printing for over 20 years. In that time we have done our fair share of class t-shirts. To help out the future classes we wanted to give you our top five tips when it comes to designing your shirts.

Designing Class T-Shirts:

  1. Start Early – Ideally the student council or student officers should poll the class at the end of their junior year. This way they get an idea of what everyone wants. Polling the class can be done at the beginning of the senior year as well.
  2. You can’t please everyone – The design that the class goes with should appeal to a wide range of students. Have students submit designs and have the committee narrow it down to three choices. From there, have the class vote on their favorite two. This way they are more invested in the winning choice.
  3. Things to include –
    • Your class (Class of 2018 or Seniors 2018)
    • School colors
    • Students names in your class (Typically printed on the back)
  4. Don’t do this –  Don’t use an inside joke in the design that only part of your class will understand. Make sure the design is appropriate and includes everyone.
  5. Buy a shirt for everyone – This way everyone feels like they are a part of the class and not left out. Even if some of the students can’t afford one.

If you are struggling with where to start with your class t-shirts let us know. We will help you every step of the way! CONTACT US

Save Money … Order in Bulk

Pile of Shirts | BulkYou hear it all the time, buy in bulk and you will save a lot of money! It’s basically Costco’s business model.

Screen Printing & Buying in Bulk

Though the saying is true for many items across the board nothing comes quite as close to it as the screen printing industry. When it comes to screen printing the printing process is actually the fastest part of the whole thing. Most of the costs associated with screen printing are in the set up process. So the more shirts that you order the cost per shirt decreases.

The screen printing process requires almost every person in the company! From the artwork, creating the film, converting the film to screens, to the printers setting up the screens and printing the apparel. There are a lot of people involved in one project.

We would love to be able to help everyone and do orders with one or two shirts. It’s just not realistic and would end up costing upwards of $100+ to do. We set the minimums for our orders in order to keep the cost down for you.

If you have any other questions regarding our process or our minimums CONTACT US.